Four important reasons to set mid-year intentions

Intention setting and journaling

In just a few short weeks, we will reach the mid-way point of 2024.

You aren’t alone if you’re wondering…What were those 2024 goals again…?

Around 90% of people have now abandoned their New Year’s resolutions. And if that is you, IT’S TOTALLY OKAY.

You can still have your best year ever. (Maybe you already are!)

As a life and wellness coach, I help ambitious people create transformational change while prioritizing their well-being. From improving their health to navigating a career transition, the process of setting and pursuing aligned goals is key to creating a life you love.

And we all deserve a life that lights us up (without burning us out).

But I need to confess something…

The last thing I want to do right now is think about the goals and intentions I set for myself back in January.

Life is life-ing right now. During the busy seasons, it’s easy to put intentional living and dreamy goals on the back burner.

But, I know the power of setting intentions. I see it in my clients’ achievements all the time. (And I have personal proof from my own life’s accomplishments.)

So, instead of constantly letting my needs, desires, and goals get pushed to the bottom of the to-do list, I have learned to protect, create, and schedule time and space for them.

Knowing there is space in the schedule for me actually makes me more present in every other moment of life.

This is why I have set a date and time for a Mid-Year Reflection + Intentions Session.

Why it’s crucial to set mid-year intentions:

  1. Reflection: Mid-year intentions allow you to pause and reflect on the goals and vision you set for yourself at the start of 2024. Here, you can evaluate what’s working, what’s not, and what needs adjustment.

    Didn’t get a chance to set intentions in January? This is the perfect time to consider what will bring you more happiness and fulfillment this year.

  2. Redirect: Life may have thrown you some unexpected curveballs and challenges over the past six months. Mid-year intentions allow you to shift your path if your initial vision no longer feels right or relevant.

  3. Renew: Motivation can naturally wane over time, so let’s get you excited to be back in the driver’s seat of your life. Renew your inspiration and motivation to live your best life.

  4. Refocus: Distractions can creep in as you work towards what matters most. Mid-year intentions allow you to regain clarity and focus on your goals.

I am SO relieved to know there is a little window of time and space to reflect on the year, my life, and my goals.

But it will be way more fun if we do it together.

That is why I am so happy to invite you to join.

Put this session on your calendar, and know that you have time for YOU to reflect on what matters most right now.

Register here ASAP and mark your calendars for Tuesday, July 2nd, at 11 a.m. ET (8 a.m. PT)

Even though life is busy and you might be traveling this summer, you must prioritize yourself.

Click below to register and get the Zoom session link:

Register here for the free July Mid-Year Reflection and Intention Setting Session.

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