Road Trip Essentials Guide

Road trips can be a fun, flexible, affordable, and exciting way to travel. In 2020, many people are getting in the car for long hours rather than hopping on planes and trains. In order to have a great trip, stay healthy, and arrive alive, it’s important to be prepared and to treat yourself well along the way.

After a couple of cross country road trips, I have finally written down a list of my long drive essentials!

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Last year we drove from San Francisco to New York. And this summer (during the pandemic and after months without travel) we decided to spend 65 hours in the car driving to and from Montana without having to stop for any meals, snacks, or coffee. On the way out, we stayed at Airbnbs with kitchens (both had blenders for morning smoothies!), and coming home, we stayed at hotels whose COVID19 policies we felt great about.

Stay Nourished

Cooler: This Yeti cooler has been the MVP of our recent trips! Besides Theo of course. And Collin who always does the majority of the driving. For roadtripping and camping we have brought all of our own food and stored it in the cooler. We have used it so much since we got it over the summer. With a few ice packs (we like 4), it truly keeps our food completely cold enough for 3-4 days.

Small cooler / lunch bag: We keep this mini yeti cooler up front with us so that we have easy access to our prepped breakfast/ lunch for the day.

Food storage containers: I love everything that U Konserve makes. They are plastic free, leak proof, and lightweight. I prep our meals in these each morning and then clean them each night to use again the next day.

Picnic Blanket: We always have a blanket stashed in the trunk for cute picnics when exploring National Parks or just for a quick lunch on the side of the road.

Stay Hydrated

Reusable Water Bottles: I won’t get in the car to go anywhere without my water bottles and for a long road trip I pack many. I love these HydroFlask and Klean Kanteen water bottles because they don’t leak and seem indestructible no matter how many times I drop them. This large, 40 oz. has a straw which is good for the driver. And this Klean Kanteen bottle has been great for pouring water into our dog, Theo’s bowl!


Stay Alert

Pour Over Coffee: We bring fresh organic beans, a small grinder, and make our own pour over in the morning. It feels good to start the day with a delicious cup of coffee.

Insulated Thermos: We pack both of these Kinto thermoses for our coffee. But then I only drink about half of mine and Collin gets to have the rest of it later in the day. It’s a system, don’t question it. The coffee stays hot in these all day!

Stay comfy and feel good:

Yoga Mat: My travel yoga mat lives in the car. It barely takes up any space and is easy to clean! It’s a helpful reminder to keep taking care of my body and to do yoga while traveling which could mean roadside, outside our tent, or in our hotel room or Airbnb.

Therapy Balls: I have Yoga Tune Up therapy balls rolling around in all of my tote bags. I bring them everywhere. These are ESSENTIAL during travel for me. Relieve stiffness, wake up your muscles and roll out any aches or pains that arise.

Cushions: I have a lot of cushions stashed in our car. On a long drive I want to stay comfortable and support my body as best as I can. I know I can’t rely on the standard car seat to do that, so I like to have a variety of cushions, especially lumbar support, to suit my needs as they change along the drive. This memory foam neck pillow is super comfy and supportive!

For your furry friend:

Dog seat: Our dog, Theo loves his dog seat. It keeps him safe, and comfortable! There is a strap that can attach to the harness or collar which is great protection in case of sudden stops.

Portable dog bowls: For keeping our dog fed and hydrated.

Additional essentials:

  • Reusable eating utensils

  • Paper goods: tissues, toilet paper (you never know), paper towels

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Sunglasses

  • Sunscreen (protect your arms and hands)

  • Hand lotion (recover from all that hand washing and sanitizing)

  • Dual USB charger

Snacks (non-perishable):

I order from Thrive Market in order to really be conscious about the food I purchase:

Meal Prep (and perishables):

  • Wash and prep salad ingredients

  • Roast veggies

  • Chia pudding (chia seeds and these individual almond milks can come in handy. Prep the night before your trip or pack ingredients and make along the way)

  • Hard boil eggs

  • Grilled or shredded chicken

  • Wild salmon or tuna salad

  • Fermented veggies

  • Kombucha


  • Download books and podcasts ahead of time! I love listening to thrillers and mysteries.

  • Look up grocery stores and restrooms along your route in advance.

  • Try to have something you are excited to see along the way each day. But remember that every stop, even the quick ones, will take time.

  • Wear comfortable, breathable clothing and have layers with you. Besides the possibility of driving through various weather, if you are road tripping with others it can be tough for all passengers to agree on the same car temperature!

  • I bring roll-on essential oils and hydrating face mists in the car. Peppermint, lemon, rosemary, orange, or other bright scents can help energize your mood when you are feeling sluggish. (But also just please pull over and rest if you are tired!)

  • Don’t forget to get your car checked out before the ride. Check your tires, oil, wiper fluid, and coolant.

  • I like to wear comfy shoes (or have them accessible) so that if we pass a scenic spot, I can freely and spontaneously frolic through a field. Or just do some jumping jacks and squats at a gas station. Either way, sneakers remind me to take advantage of the available moments along the drive to stretch my legs.

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Where’s your next road trip going to take you?

Have fun + be safe!

❤︎ Emily


SIMPLE VEGAN GF MAC AND CHEESE (gluten free, dairy free, paleo, low fodmap)


SWEET POTATO HUMMUS (paleo, low fodmap, vegan)