Spring Cleaning: 4 simple ways to boost your wellbeing

Spring is a special time of transition.  We leave behind winter, short days and cozy sweaters to usher in more daylight, warmer weather and the excitement of summer around the corner.

For you, it might be a time of new beginnings, creativity, increased energy. It might also be a time of needing extra rest or even feeling a little burned out from the first quarter of the year.

It's important to honor wherever you are and then to take steps that will feel nourishing, nurturing, and energy-giving. Harnessing this time of transition may look different for each of us, but I have some simple ideas to get you started.

Increasing energy, health, creativity, often requires making room for it and starting from a place of willingness to let go of the things that are taking your energy, or even draining it. Energy and time are not unlimited. Often we do need to do some clearing out and letting go in order to bring in the new and to free up space whether it is in your mind, your home, your time.

Below are 4 simple and easy tips for spring cleaning that will definitely boost your overall wellbeing; increasing your creativity, your energy, your confidence, and your health.

  1. Unfollow

Unfollow accounts that make you feel bad.

Spend a day, a week, or a month unfollowing accounts each time you open your social media apps. There is so much noise on social media and all of that is an input into your brain, your time, your energy. Any perceived stressor on your feed can spike your cortisol (your fight-of-flight hormone) and chronically elevated cortisol levels are harmful to your health, putting you at an increased risk for many chronic diseases. So, stress less and choose wisely what you look at when you pick up your phone. Let social media be a place for fun, connection, inspiration.

If you find yourself in the compare and despair cycle- unfollow! It doesn’t matter why you chose to follow that account in the past. If it makes you feel bad, less than, or even angry, unfollow.

Fill your feed on purpose. Maybe it's with accounts that inspire you to take care of yourself, to go after your goals, or relatable content that reminds you that you are not alone. Maybe it is simply accounts that make you giggle and laugh. Whatever it is, clean out your feed, so you can fill it with accounts that boost your wellbeing, rather than diminish it.

And of course, if the best decision for you is to delete the app, or even just hide it away in a folder on your phone so it is less tempting to check, go for it! Do what feels best for you right now.

2. Toss the undies, donate clothes

Not trying to pry but, when was the last time you bought new underwear?

Many of my clients put off buying new clothes for some ideal time in the future. But what I have found is that our clothes that we are wearing right now have an impact on our wellbeing.

Improving your health might start with tossing out those old uncomfortable undies.

When you are uncomfortable in your clothes, it is common to end up with negative emotions and thoughts about your body. If your clothes are too tight, it can not only create negative thoughts about the size of your body, but it can prevent you from feeling relaxed and inhibit your ability to listen to your body’s signals especially when it comes to eating and your hunger / fullness cues.

Show your body respect! This is the one body you get in this lifetime. It is beautiful and deserves to feel comfortable. Wear clothes that fit and that you actually like.

Yes, that shirt from 8 years ago is still a decent shirt, but you haven’t worn it ages except for once a year when you try it on and ask your partner what they think and then put it back in your closet. Let go of what doesn’t fit right now. Whether it doesn’t fit your body or it doesn’t fit your style, it’s time to say farewell. Donate it to someone that might really need and want it. Take it to a clothing donation site, a local shelter, a consignment shop, or post in on your local Buy Nothing group. And then have fun picking out clothes that fit your current body and your current style.

3. Try a pantry makeover

What if instead of getting hit by a can of beans when you open your pantry door, you opened it and felt excited about all the ways you could nourish yourself?

Okay, maybe your pantry isn’t that disorganized and messy. But there are many ways you can reinvigorate that space this spring. 

  1. First take stock of the food you have and are eating regularly.

  2. Let go of food that has expired.

  3. Consider donating any food that you don’t actually like. Is there food that you maybe just bought because you thought it was healthy or you “should” eat it? Or maybe there is food that you bought impulsively and you actually don’t want to eat. Put it in a bag and take it to a food donation drop off site or food bank.

  4. Check labels for hidden ingredients like artificial sweeteners and consider swapping for items without added sugars. Artificial sweeteners can have unintended consequences like increased sugar cravings and disconnected eating. Sugars, additives, and those ingredients that you can’t pronounce can be sneaky and may have a negative impact on your health. It’s okay to toss em!

  5. Once you’ve cleared out your pantry, get some nutritious staples that you know you will use within a month.

4. Unsubscribe

Clean out your inbox and reduce the daily noise and stress.

Start with email lists. Start unsubscribing from email marketing lists. Try challenging yourself to unsubscribe from one list a day, or maybe every time you open your mail app. Unsubscribe from the ones that make you feel stressed or are trying to sell you things that you don't actually want or need right now.

Check out your subscriptions. Take a moment to look at your bank account and see what you are paying for every month. Is there anything you are paying for that you forgot about, are no longer using, or don’t actually need right now? Often my clients will tell me they thought they didn’t have money for something they really want, only to realize they are spending money elsewhere on something that is not actually contributing to their priority goals. 

Each of these spring cleaning actions will create a positive ripple effect in your life and health.

Connect on IG @emilykriner_ or send me a message here to let me know how your spring cleaning is going or to receive more support in boosting your wellbeing.


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