Be the hero of your story

We have entered a new era of parenthood called…


We resisted it for awhile but, it’s honestly been…

Pretty great.

And also annoying for someone like me that always has music running in the back of my head.

Lately it’s:

Let it go let it go i’ll rise like the break of dawn

let it go let it go the perfect girl is gone


I want much more than this provincial life!
I want adventure in the great wide somewhere
I want it more than I can tell
And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more than they've got planned


the call isn't out there at all
It's inside me
It's like the tide
Always falling and rising
I will carry you here in my heart
You'll remind me
That come what may
I know the way


I’ll keep wondering and wondering and wondering and wondering

when will my life begin?

…Disney soundtracks are the background to my life right now and I am trying to accept that. (I know one day when I have a teenager I will probably miss this phase.)

And I really didn’t mean to turn this into a Disney singalong post. (Nor do I want to turn it into a debate on Disney and feminism, though it is tempting.)

But each of those lines inspire a little something, don’t you think?

There’s a brave, boldness that all those princesses show us.

As kids, our imaginations know no bounds and we can picture ourselves doing anything. Being anyone. Going for it.

But we lose so much of that as we get older.

And that last line from Tangled (“when will my life begin?”) sticks with me (and worries me too).

(The movie is based on Rapunzel - stuck in her tower, long hair, etc.)

I start thinking,

How many people are feeling stuck right now?

Just waiting for life to begin.

To finally go for it.

To listen to their intuition.

To take that first step.

To let go of a past version of themselves.

To let go of the “shoulds”.

To be the person that they know they are deep inside.

To stop comparing to what others are doing.

To stop trying to be perfect. or liked. or good enough.

To stop worrying about what others might think.

To stop limiting themselves.

Do you ever feel like you are waiting for life to begin?

If you need a gentle nudge,

or a real kick in the pants to bust out of the tower you feel trapped in,

I’m here to tell you that your life is happening right now. And this is the only moment you have.


So, why not start now?

Dive in head first. 

Look at your resistance.

Face your false beliefs .

Move through the blocks.

Choose something different.

Take the unknown path.

Stop waiting to be chosen.

Stop waiting to start.

Begin now.

Begin today.

And what does that mean for you?

Maybe it’s…

  • Blocking out time to reflect on what you really want and need

  • Signing up for a new experience

  • Taking your health seriously

  • Asking that potential new friend out for coffee (or matcha…)

  • Shifting your career path

  • Putting yourself and your beliefs out there

  • Sharing your creative work

  • Spending time getting to know this current version of yourself

  • Creating a new vision for your life

  • Booking the appointment, the trip, the session, the class, the call

  • Really taking action to feel your best and go after what you really want

Whatever it is, I am here cheering you on. Life is too short to wait around for it to begin.

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