Benefits of drinking matcha green tea (+ my favorite easy latte recipe)

It’s my Matcha-versary! 1 year ago I experimented with swapping out my morning coffee for matcha and I haven’t looked back.

Here’s the back story:

Since becoming a mom I have been on a journey to find more balance in my hormones and my energy.

My hormones shifted so much during pregnancy, birth and postpartum, but one of the biggest shifts of all was when I stopped breastfeeding. I noticed changes in my cycle, mood, and energy levels that left me feeling frustrated…

I thought I had my wellness routines and habits down! But motherhood truly spiced things up. The game had changed…

So I started paying more attention.

I noticed that after I had my little cup of coffee I felt a big burst of “up” energy (that I loved. “Caffeinated Emily” is so energized! It reminds me of how I sometimes love “drunk Emily”. She’s so fun! But “drunk Emily”, only lasts for a little, and “hungover, tummy ache, inflamed, tired, cranky Emily” is way less fun. So, I rarely drink anymore because it just rarely feels worth it.)

With coffee, that increase of energy could be accompanied by what I thought was productivity. But it was actually leaving me feeling a bit stressed, scattered and unfocused. And what goes up must come down right? For me, it went way down. In the early afternoon, I hit a wall where I would feel so tired I could barely move. And drinking more caffeine was not an option for me (if I drink it in the afternoon it impacts my sleep.)

Did you know caffeine can actually stay in your bloodstream for 10 hours?

I knew about matcha’s benefits and that it still has a relatively high caffeine content, but can provide a more sustained energy. I had tried matcha many times and enjoyed it. But I never really made it for myself at home because I was already so attached to my coffee.

Then, 1 year ago, my friend brought over a Pique Sun-Goddess Matcha packet and made me an iced matcha in my kitchen. I not only loved it and realized how easy it was to make, but I immediately craved more. I decided to experiment with letting go of coffee for a little bit to see how my hormones and energy might improve. From that day forward, I swapped my morning pour over for a morning matcha and haven’t turned back.

My top reasons for loving matcha:

  1. It checks all the boxes that coffee did for me, but does not have any of the negative side effects.

  2. Coffee provides a jolt of energy that can be accompanied by a sense of urgency, stress and even anxiety. Matcha provides more of a slow burn energy release.

  3. Matcha contains L-theanine, an amino acid that not only reduces stress, but helps the body to relax. L-theanine can also boost mental clarity and improve focus, especially when paired with caffeine.

  4. As a pour over coffee devotee, I loved trying out different organic coffee beans and roasters, tasting the subtle notes and flavors. I get to do that with matcha too! There are many different types of matcha that have interesting flavor notes. (And just like coffee, there is a real range in quality and taste when it comes to matcha.)

  5. My morning matcha seamlessly replaces the morning coffee ritual I loved so much (heating water, grinding beans, pouring water, sitting down to enjoy my cup.) Making matcha is also a beautiful ritual of heating water or milk, wisking or blending, and mindfully enjoying the taste and flavors.

  6. Health benefits! In addition to l-theanine, Matcha contains high amounts of substances like catechins and chlorophyll with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

  7. My skin, cycle, mood and energy have all improved!

Sometimes I do miss that major “up” I feel with coffee (and I am not at all opposed to drinking coffee again. I don’t believe in creating unnecessary restriction, so I am open to having coffee whenever I want it.)

But for now, I am really content with this new ritual, the health benefits, and the feeling of sustained energy, balance and focus I get.

Also I got so into matcha, I started taking pottery class and making my own matcha bowls. Obsessed, much?

Health Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

What to look for when buying matcha:

Quality Matters

There is a big variation in the types of matcha sold, especially here in the US. Buying higher quality matcha, from leaves grown in Japan will help you to receive the health benefits matcha has to offer. Using higher quality tea will also taste much better and have less of that bitter, grassy flavor from lower quality options.

I look for pesticide-free, ceremonial grade, single origin matcha from sustainable farms in Japan.

A couple of my favorites

  • Matchaful - Kiwami Single Cultivar Matcha

  • Pique - Sun Goddess Matcha

Why Pique’s Sun-Goddess Matcha stands out for me:

  • Easier than ever to keep a consistent routine with pre-measured packets. I keep a few packets in my purse and always take them with me anytime I travel. They dissolve in both hot and cold water.

  • It’s organic ceremonial grade matcha, shaded for longer for more chlorophyll and antioxidants (and greater health, skin, and energy benefits).

  • Quadruple Toxin-Screened for purity and uses the highest quality ingredients for effective results

  • Tastes delicious!

(Also, Pique just introduced a new tea, Nandaka specifically designed to be a coffee replacement for women. In case you want to check that out too!)

Recipe: Easy Creamy Matcha Collagen Latte

My favorite morning drink

  1. Warm 1 cup of milk on the stove top (I love unsweetened vanilla almond milk by Malk). Take a few deep belly breaths while it heats up.

  2. Blend milk, 1 tsp your favorite matcha, and 1 serving of unflavored collagen in a blender.

    Pour into your favorite mug and enjoy.


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