11 ways to practice self-love through self-care

Does the concept of self-love feel uncomfortable, icky or cheesy to you?

According to Websters, self-love isn't really icky at all. It's basically…essential.

self-love, noun
: an appreciation of one's own worth or virtue
: proper regard for and attention to one's own happiness or well-being

Can you take a moment out of your busy day to appreciate your worth and your greatness?

You are a completely unique being on this earth. There are no others with your set of traits, skills, strengths, views, genes, gifts. Everything you are and everything you have to offer is needed and wanted.

You so freely give attention and care to others. You work hard to make sure they are happy and healthy.

But are you also giving that full attention back to yourself? To your happiness and well-being?

When you take time to care for yourself, when you fill your cup, we all benefit.

When you are in tune with your needs, you are better able to tune in to the needs of others. And a fulfilling life is one where you can give to others authentically. Where you are living your purpose in alignment with your unique trengths and values.

And if part of you is hesitant or questioning, I want you to know:

You are worthy of all the happiness and love you desire in your life.

Spend some time loving yourself up this week. Give some of that attention you so easily give to others back to yourself.

11 ways to practice self-love through self-care:

  1. Journaling: Free-write for 5-10 minutes or use prompts like:

    • 10 qualities you love about yourself.

    • What makes you feel loved?

    • List your strengths and your accomplishments.

      (Grab a new journal to inspire you here.)

  2. Closet clean out: Clear out what is no longer needed or what no longer fits, leaving only the clothes that you feel great wearing, now.

  3. Meditate: Connect with yourself through your favorite type of meditation or simply take 5-10 deep belly breaths.

  4. Self-massage: Use a foam roller, therapy ball, or massage gun to reduce tension and show your physical body some TLC.

  5. Shower upgrade: Turn your bathroom into a spa. Put relaxing music on, use a dry brush, try a hair mask, give yourself a scalp massage, add essential oils like eucalyptus, lavender, or peppermint.

  6. Affirm. Craft a personalized affirmation or mantra based on how you want to feel.

  7. Joyful movement: Take a fun class, try a new studio, find a favorite YouTube teacher or treat yourself to motivating on-demand home workouts like Peloton or The Sculpt Society.

  8. Hire a guide: Find a therapist or coach you click with to support you. Most of my clients say they wished they had signed up for coaching earlier! Read some testimonials here.

  9. Hydrate. Water, water, water. Don’t knock the basics. Elevate it with a pretty glass, cute water bottle or try infusing it with your favorite fruit or cucumber.

  10. Express yourself: Play music, dance around your kitchen, take out your paint set.

  11. Spend time in nature. Go for a walk, hang in a park, or drive to a scenic spot and sit in the car with your seat warmer on.

    You can read a previous post on self-care here.

For personalized support in standing in your strengths and authenticity, finding self-love, and truly caring for yourself, contact me about 1:1 coaching here.


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