How To “Be Present” During Times of Transition

Emily K. Wellness

You know that feeling when you are trying to hold on to the present moment, but you are too worried about something in the future to actually be happy and “be present”?

That’s anxiety! Anxiety is worry about the future. It comes in many forms and pops up at different times for different people. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorder in the US with 1/3 of the whole population affected in their lifetime! I would guess that stat has grown in 2020. So if you suffer from anxiety YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I have for sure had my own illuminating experiences with anxiety.

Times of transition, like from the end of summer to fall can trigger feelings of anxiety. We want to savor the last bit of summer, but we are already thinking ahead to the fall, the election, winter holidays, 2021. What will life look like? What will our work, social lives, family celebrations look like?

I keep coming back to the idea that we have to be okay with uncertainty. We have to treat the unknowing like an ocean and keep riding the waves as they come. One wave at a time.

One day at a time.

How we stay present isn't a switch we can turn on and off. It's how we curate each and every day of our lives.

How I stay present:

• Look for beauty all around me

• Stick to self-care routines and rituals

• Drink plenty of water

• Write down goals

• Eat foods that promote balance

• Avoid processed sugars and carbs

• Take slow deep belly breaths

• Move my body

• Limit caffeine and alcohol

• Long walks outside

• Avoid multitasking

• Connect with other people

• Make music

• Listen to music

• Morning pages

• Do work I love

• Yoga

• Journal on gratitude and intentions

• Help other people

• Body scans

• Dance

• Have good scents around

• Time in nature

• Find things to laugh at every day

How are you helping yourself stay present?


This is your September


PESTO (vegan, paleo, low fodmap)