This is your September

There is something about September.

Excitement about how fast this month seems to show up. And maybe a little bit of sadness leaving August behind.

I just got back from a weekend at the magnificent Yellowstone National Park. When we entered the park it was August and when we left it was September.

As we turn this corner from summer to fall, please know that it is okay if you feel unsettled and uneasy. To feel like that September excitement is quite different this year.

This is a time of transition during one of the most uncertain years in most of our lives. You can read my blog post here on how I stay present during transitions.

A lot is going on in the world around us. This week, I invite you to take some time to reflect on your inner world. To acknowledge that you get to decide how this September goes for you.

You are in control of your thoughts, your feelings, your actions, your mindset, your goals for this month. You have control over your own September.

Recently I took two very different clients through the final sessions of their 6-month private coaching programs. It was so inspiring to look at each of their profound accomplishments over the past 6 months. A lot can happen in that time!

Where were you 6 months ago? What has changed? I would bet a lot.

I know I spoke earlier on how I work hard to stay present. To not get wrapped up in anxious thoughts about an unknown future. But it’s actually important to look forward. To create a positive vision for yourself. That vision or goal will illuminate your path and the steps it will take to get where you want to go.

So, let’s look ahead.

Where might you be 6 months from today? How do you want to feel?

Take a moment this week to really imagine your life 6 months from now.

Can you let yourself imagine that you are happy, healthy, and radiant?

When you are experiencing true transformation, it is often difficult to see it yourself. It is hard to really acknowledge how each of the small steps and shifts you make is building towards an evolution. I love reminding my clients of all they have achieved and helping them really let their work and progress sink in.

If you want support, encouragement, or a guide along the way, I am here. If you are curious about coaching just get in touch and we can find a time to connect.

I want you to know that you aren't alone as you navigate your health and wellbeing. As one of my clients recently said, think of me as "your most authentic personal cheerleader." You deserve everything you want. You deserve to feel amazing!

I’m here for you. And this September is yours.



BLUEBERRY CHIA PUDDING (vegan, paleo, low fodmap)


How To “Be Present” During Times of Transition