Self-Care is Essential

self care essentials

Self-care is essential. 

Now more than ever.

I spent years setting other things (people, work, obligations) above these essentials. Can you relate? It led me to total burn out.

Self-care is not a luxury. It is not extra. You need to care for yourself right now, tomorrow, and the next day. It is your right!  You deserve to have a healthy and strong body and mind.

  • Real food 

  • Water

  • Sunlight, air, nature

  • Restful sleep

  • Physical activity

  • Relationships and connection to others

Take a few minutes now to consider these areas of self-care.

What food are you eating to fuel and nourish your body?

How much water are you drinking?

How often do you go outside?

How is your sleep? Is it deep and restful?

Are you connecting with other people and fostering meaningful relationships?

When we prioritize these essentials, we help to keep our immune system strong and healthy, fighting off germs and preventing disease. Many of our issues, concerns, ailments, complaints, aches, pains, sadness, illness, bloating, fatigue, etc. might come down to neglect of these self-care essentials.

It's not our fault. Our society does not promote self-care and it is difficult to find time for ourselves. It is work to create new habits, to break old patterns, to carve out time, to find energy, to stay consistent.

Can I tell you something though? You are worth it. I wish that wasn’t a cheesy or overused thing to say because I really can’t think of a better way to put it. You are worth every moment spent thinking and caring for your own wellbeing. Your body, brain, spirit, and health are worth it.

Your life is worth it.

How do you care for your plants, your pets, your loved ones, your children? Do you give the same attention to yourself?

You deserve that same level of care and attention. Have you ever thought about asking for support from a friend or a coach? When I'm working with clients, no matter who they are, what they have been through, or where they want to go, I see them create incredible and profound healing, shifts, and transformation by having the support, perspective, accountability, tools, and guidance of a coach to help them prioritize their own health and wellness.

The health coaching partnership shines a light on the areas of your life and habits that you may have not been able to see. It gives attention to your unique circumstances, your personality, and your desires. It gives you tools and strategies to enhance every part of your wellbeing. It gets to the root of your concerns and creates momentum in the direction you want to go. Coaching gives you real impactful support to feel your best. To care for yourself.

How are you doing on these 6 areas of self-care? Are there areas that you could focus on or prioritize more?

Use the to-do list items below to start putting yourself first today.

❤︎ Emily self care essentials to-do list

PESTO (vegan, paleo, low fodmap)


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